Friday, October 4, 2024

A Good Problem To Have

The Age Old Question 

I finally managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Space Marines (the last time was when they first came out in 1987-1988?). The question is - What Chapter am I going to paint them? Back in the 80's, the challenge was painting the chapter symbols  on the shoulder pads. Which is one of the reasons I invented my own chapter. There was no way I was going to attempt to paint thirty marines with Blood Angels wings or Space Wolf, wolf's heads. Obviously not a problem today with the transfer sheets.  And I might now have to fix my airbrush. 

I might go for one of the other chapters from the Badab war.

Latest Amazon makes her way onto the paint bench. 

And it is Friday, so...


1 comment:

  1. You can't go wrong with Beakies! Any Chapter you choose will look awesome,that's for sure


A Good Problem To Have

The Age Old Question  I finally managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Space Marines (the last time was when they first came out in 1...