Sunday, October 27, 2024

Amazonian Arcane Technology & Lil Red Ryding Gob

Space Guns in the Old World

The Amazon leader with her arcane technology. The bolt pistol was chopped off some random mini from the bits box. 

Introduction to Amazons in the 2nd Ed. WFB.

Amazons are perhaps the strangest of all humans. They are physically identical to Old Worlders. An Amazon suitably dressed could walk the streets of any Old World without appearing out of place. 

The strangest thing of all about is that their population is almost all female. Whether as a result of long forgotten magic or by natural means, Amazons have adapted to re-produce parthenogenetically. The process is controlled by the Amazonian priestesses who use various natural drugs to induce pregnancy and determine gender of the child. Amazons can also reproduce normally, although this rarely happens due to the introverted involved nature Of Amazon society. 

Amazonian culture is directly derived from that Of Old Slann - the powerful, mystical technological race that once ruled the planet.  

After digging out the 3rd Ed. rules, there was very little about the Amazons except a short section in the world history section. In the 2nd Ed. WFB rules at least they had their own section in the bestiary including  special rules and weapons. This was before the army lists came out, so the bestiary in the rules set could be used to work out a basic army list. 

So, the only mention of bolt gun weapons was in the 2nd Ed. rules. Which don't seem much different to those published in Rogue Trader. 
WFB 2nd Ed. Rules
Copyright GW

Artwork from WFB 3rd Ed. Rules
Copyright GW

Lil Red Ryding Gob 

One look at him and I knew he had to have a red cloak. 

I guess it is a bit of a stretch to think he counts towards Orctober!



  1. The gun is an unexpected, yet cool addition. But I'm in love with Red Ryding Gob!! Absolutely perfect!

  2. One of the best things about the Amazons is the old Slann technology - I'm sure there are communicators and other gadgets mentioned in the Rigg's Shrine article too! Oh and Lil Red Ryding Gob definitely counts for Orctober - nice job!

  3. Thanks, once I saw the cloak on the gobbo it just had to be red.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...