Sunday, October 27, 2024

Amazonian Arcane Technology & Lil Red Ryding Gob

Space Guns in the Old World

The Amazon leader with her arcane technology. The bolt pistol was chopped off some random mini from the bits box. 

Introduction to Amazons in the 2nd Ed. WFB.

Amazons are perhaps the strangest of all humans. They are physically identical to Old Worlders. An Amazon suitably dressed could walk the streets of any Old World without appearing out of place. 

The strangest thing of all about is that their population is almost all female. Whether as a result of long forgotten magic or by natural means, Amazons have adapted to re-produce parthenogenetically. The process is controlled by the Amazonian priestesses who use various natural drugs to induce pregnancy and determine gender of the child. Amazons can also reproduce normally, although this rarely happens due to the introverted involved nature Of Amazon society. 

Amazonian culture is directly derived from that Of Old Slann - the powerful, mystical technological race that once ruled the planet.  

After digging out the 3rd Ed. rules, there was very little about the Amazons except a short section in the world history section. In the 2nd Ed. WFB rules at least they had their own section in the bestiary including  special rules and weapons. This was before the army lists came out, so the bestiary in the rules set could be used to work out a basic army list. 

So, the only mention of bolt gun weapons was in the 2nd Ed. rules. Which don't seem much different to those published in Rogue Trader. 
WFB 2nd Ed. Rules
Copyright GW

Artwork from WFB 3rd Ed. Rules
Copyright GW

Lil Red Ryding Gob 

One look at him and I knew he had to have a red cloak. 

I guess it is a bit of a stretch to think he counts towards Orctober!


Friday, October 25, 2024

On the Painting Desk

 Its Friday Night!

Not really in a painting mood tonight but plenty of other tasks to be done. Such as sticking it all together...

Some of the odd goblins from my Fae project defected, jumped in the paint stripper and have now joined the goblin warband. Bringing the warband up to a mighty ten!

A bit like using the paint stripper, the two part epoxy gluing tends to get stored up and done in batches. Much as I really like these Diehard Slann & Amazons gluing them together is a pain. I decided to add a bolt pistol to the leader of the Amazons. Which was  legal in 2nd Ed. not sure about 3rd Ed.? I will have to go and find my WFB 3rd Ed. rulebook. 

But did finish one more Amazon during the week. 

One of the damaged high elves has now been converted into the missing standard bearer. 

The perfect accompaniment to a Friday Night beer 😁


Monday, October 21, 2024

Objective In Sight

Adding a Bit of Slann Scenery

Itzcoatl finds the sacred relic

So, I followed my normal jungle basing policy, which is to add as much stuff as possible until I can't fit anything else on the base. And was the chance to use some of larger plants which are just too big to fit on regular infantry bases.  But overall I am pleased with the result. The stone head is a blue stuff mould from a fridge magnet I picked while on holiday in Mexico. In hindsight, I wish picked up a couple more but I wasn't really thinking about a Slann army at the time. 


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Itzcoatl's Raiding Party

 The Compulsory Element

Not for the last time Itzcoatl wished he was back on his favourite lily pad contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos with the occasional tasty snack. However, his master had instructed him to collect another mysterious ancient artifact. This time near the occasionally hostile northern lizardman tribes. So, he had decided to bring plenty of  support and had even paid for a personal Amazon bodyguard from his own gold stash. 

Lyta surveyed the valley below and at the steam rising from the holes in the far valley wall. Obviously some lizardmen nests. She quietly observed to herself, it was unlikely they would pass unnoticed as she unconsciously shifted her straps holding her twin blades. 

While the first part of the Slann army is still some way off, but I thought perhaps I could play some small narrative games using what I have already painted up. So, Itzcoatl's raiding party was born. 

I have finished of the last of the Ral Partha Europe frogmen, now several of them have opted to look after some of Tanqecl-Tlo'ectlutl's many pets. So, I have had to draft in a couple of replacements in the form of a Diehard Amazon and a 'mini' giant spider to build a unit of ten. 

Obviously Itzcoatl believes the local conscripts need a seasoned mercenary to keep an eye on them! 

Army Building

Warhammer 3rd Edition army lists are bit of a mixed bag when it comes to compulsory elements. For the Slann it is only one unit of ten regular models at 9 points each. Making the minimum requirements only 100 points. Where as an army list like the dwarves has over 600 points and sixty models as a minimum requirement for rank and file. Still this does leave plenty of points for all of those Slann special units. 


Friday, October 11, 2024

Big & Little Creepy Crawlies

Its Been a Bit Quiet for a While on the Slann Front

Inspiration can be nudged in odd ways, I haven't done any serious work on my Slann for months until I picked up a packet of small creepy crawlies to go on the bases. I also used these to make some filler tiles to complete the movement trays and then in turn I painted up some of the Slann and Amazons hanging around the painting desk. 

Another bargain from Colours with 40 mixed insects and lizards for £7.49 from Imperator models (  

I didn't have to think very hard about my choice tonight as there was already a Guinness left open from making Steak & Guinness pie (not by my me I might add!).  


Monday, October 7, 2024

Five Go Mad in the Country

Its Only £2.40

Finished up the unpainted Oldhammer goblins, the next batch need to go through the paint stripper. 

I picked up the cart, horse and the poor unfortunates at Colours for the hefty sum of £2.40 for the set (also includes another unfortunate and a sign post). The print quality is basic but looks good enough for the table. And I didn't spend too long painting them. I gave up dry brushing them as this only highlights the ridges but contrast paint and a dab of highlight looked ok. 


Squeezed the hobgoblin champion onto a 20mm base, so will have to organise the rank and file around him. 


Friday, October 4, 2024

A Good Problem To Have

The Age Old Question 

I finally managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Space Marines (the last time was when they first came out in 1987-1988?). The question is - What Chapter am I going to paint them? Back in the 80's, the challenge was painting the chapter symbols  on the shoulder pads. Which is one of the reasons I invented my own chapter. There was no way I was going to attempt to paint thirty marines with Blood Angels wings or Space Wolf, wolf's heads. Obviously not a problem today with the transfer sheets.  And I might now have to fix my airbrush. 

I might go for one of the other chapters from the Badab war.

Latest Amazon makes her way onto the paint bench. 

And it is Friday, so...


Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Not Quite Dreadtober

I while I definitely do have a dreadnought that I want to paint up, I am not really ready for Dreadtober this time around.  I have too many other projects that I want to focus on at the moment. But maybe later in the month. 

At least one more go through the paint stripper. Particularly for the body section. 

While imperial dreadnoughts were in the Rogue Trader rulebook, dreadnoughts really came to life in WD100. With a 14 page article by Rick Priestley and shiny new Eldar dreadnought models. Including some really cool pictures of dreads in action. 

Games Workshop

I had plenty of dreadnoughts in my Eldar army, including 'Green Peace' my Banshee class dreadnought. While the paintjob on the dreadnought wasn't particularly special, I did paint up a pair of banners which I was very proud with a howling sun design. Unfortunately I don't have any better pictures (or the dreadnought!) of this mini. 

But when I get around to painting the replacement Banshee, there will be a definite nod to the original. 

 Games Workshop


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...