Friday, October 4, 2024

A Good Problem To Have

The Age Old Question 

I finally managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Space Marines (the last time was when they first came out in 1987-1988?). The question is - What Chapter am I going to paint them? Back in the 80's, the challenge was painting the chapter symbols  on the shoulder pads. Which is one of the reasons I invented my own chapter. There was no way I was going to attempt to paint thirty marines with Blood Angels wings or Space Wolf, wolf's heads. Obviously not a problem today with the transfer sheets.  And I might now have to fix my airbrush. 

I might go for one of the other chapters from the Badab war.

Latest Amazon makes her way onto the paint bench. 

And it is Friday, so...


Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Not Quite Dreadtober

I while I definitely do have a dreadnought that I want to paint up, I am not really ready for Dreadtober this time around.  I have too many other projects that I want to focus on at the moment. But maybe later in the month. 

At least one more go through the paint stripper. Particularly for the body section. 

While imperial dreadnoughts were in the Rogue Trader rulebook, dreadnoughts really came to life in WD100. With a 14 page article by Rick Priestley and shiny new Eldar dreadnought models. Including some really cool pictures of dreads in action. 

Games Workshop

I had plenty of dreadnoughts in my Eldar army, including 'Green Peace' my Banshee class dreadnought. While the paintjob on the dreadnought wasn't particularly special, I did paint up a pair of banners which I was very proud with a howling sun design. Unfortunately I don't have any better pictures (or the dreadnought!) of this mini. 

But I get around to painting the replacement Banshee, there will be a definite nod to the original. 

 Games Workshop


A Good Problem To Have

The Age Old Question  I finally managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Space Marines (the last time was when they first came out in 1...