Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Into the Dungeon Again Again

Mucking About with Photo Effects

As usual my photos are taken with my trusty iPhone. In this case set to night mode, Even with very limited lighting the photos still come out  quite bright and clear. So, I have made look more like an underground setting by adjusting the brightness and shadow settings. 

The final shot

Before editing.

The final shot

Before editing.



  1. It's fun to play with photo settings. I never seem to really get the right point and my pics are always a mess, so it's always interesting to learn from other people experimenting!

  2. Excellent work. Have you tried adding a vignette effect to give that sense of dark corners?


Colours 2024

No I Cant Say It Its September so I can't say that word, but I did buy the Oakbound Advert Calendar to use in the 12th month. Something ...