Saturday, August 10, 2024

And It Was All Going So Well

Time for Plan B

I was just settling in for a painting session to finish of this mini when I managed to nudge the upper sword. And of course it fell off. I had already added a bit of gel super glue / bicarbonate of sodium around the base of the sword, but it clearly wasn't enough. I had forgotten how soft this old lead is on these minis. It was just too thin to pin, so I decided to replace it.  

I have a Cunning Plan...

After drilling a sword and fitting a paper clip skeleton. I added a thin layer of fine Milliput / green stuff. And did a bit of basic shaping. Once dry I am hoping to  shape it with a craft knife. Milliput can be sanded  and scraped to get a sharp edge. I have done this before and it either work really well of breaks in annoying fashion. So, now wait to dry and get on with something else. 



  1. Ouch! I feel your pain. Your solution is simply awesome, I've never dared to do so. When that happens I tend to just cut the whole hand out and look for replacement. Your technique is fascinating!!

  2. Yep I get your point but I try for a minimalist approach. Plus I couldn't find any alternatives.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...