Saturday, January 20, 2024

Moria Goblins - Black Shields Done

First Lot Completed

Actually the Black Shields and the Warg Marauder painted up quite quickly with a zenithal highlight, contrast  paints and highlighting. The greenstuff used to make the saddle is flexible enough to sit on the Warg without any blue tack, but for games probably needs that little extra help. It also just pops off, so I can still use it as just a Warg.  

And I also took  this as an opportunity to rebase the goblin heroes from the existing  army. So, one more Warg Marauder to complete this little goblin reinforcement project.



  1. Cool warband, and lethal warriors judging by the number of skulls that dot their bases! We also like the scenic photos of them facing Gondor veterans in the ruins

  2. They look properly dreadful, nice job there!

  3. Again, these conversions look great! I do like the markings on the armour and the bases really tie them all together.


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...