Sunday, January 14, 2024

Moria Goblin Reinforcements

Green Stuff to the Rescue

After playing a few games of LotR recently, I decided that my Moria goblins needed a bit of extra help. There are a few options in the rulebook but I had no intension of shelling out the rather large sums of cash listed on the Warhammer website. But fortunately I still have a few sprues kicking about and set about upgrading a few goblins with a few simple green stuff conversions.  

 Goblin Blackshields

'The toughest members of the Goblin armies are recruited to join the ranks of the Blackshields. These Goblins are hardier than their lowly counterparts and are veterans of the wars with the Dwarves in the tunnels of Khazad-dum – they wear white Warg pelts, a status symbol within the Goblin ranks, to distinguish themselves from their lesser kin.'

These are goblin elites and only really distinguished from regular goblins by a Warg pelt cape and a different shield. Both of which are easy made with a bit of green stuff. I also built up the bases a bit to make them slightly taller. Since I usually only play with smallish warbands, five should be enough. 

Warg Marauder

The Warg marauder is a Warg with three mounted goblins. Able to shoot and with bonuses in combat. Since I like to remove the riders to use the Wargs on their own as well as Warg riders. I covered the Warg with cling film and applied the green stuff saddle direct on top. I am not sure how well this is going to work. But if it turns out ok, then I will do another one.  

I reckon this saved about £50 (ready for other projects) and gives the goblins a few more options. 



  1. Wow, that's a hell of a job, I love the conversions! They look super effective. Looking forward to seeing them painted

    1. Thanks, after looking at the GW website I really didn't to buy their minis at current prices.

  2. These are some really nice conversions! That 23 year old plastic kit is still a great base to create the more elite units. I do love the idea of having the Marauder riders removable in this way!

    1. Thanks, I have started to paint the Marauder and of course it would be easier to paint the minis separately!

  3. Great conversions - in fact those GW miniatures are too expensive! What supposed material the shields that you reproduced with greenstuff are made of? Corrugated metal?


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...