Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

Baldin the Dwarf

Just managed to finish him him off before the new year.These sculpts by Crooked Dice are excellent and the details are very crisp.

Baldin was played by Peter O'Farrell who has a number of other interesting genre credits to his name. He has in Legend as one of the goblins and was in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as a newspaper photographer.

Rescue the Barmaid

This is turning into a mini campaign, so I rolled for Gort after his first encounter and he will only have one point of might for this game. Might and fate are recovered after each game on a 4+.

Rather than the film version where he is rescued by Hawk from being sacrificed to a river god.  In my version, he sets off  to rescue Wendy the Barmaid in return for a generous amount of ale. Wendy has been kidnapped by Grog the hobgoblin. Gort arrives at the inn shortly after Baldin has left and sets off after him.  

Game Notes

  • Gort will arrive on a 4+ after turn 4.  
  • The goblins have posted two  sentries which are moved randomly (using rules from Scouting of the Shire).
  • The remainder of the goblins will activate on a  4+ after the alarm is raised.
  • Wendy will not move while a goblin is in base to base contact.

The goblin camp

Baldin sneaks up.

The alarm is raised but Gort has not yet arrived. Baldwin has to hang on waiting for Gort.

Gort evens the odds.

Gort eventually overcomes Grog but not after losing another point of might and fate. Baldin also loses a point of fate.

The Heroes escape with Wendy. And onwards to join Hawk.  They both carry depleted levels of might and fate to the next encounter. 

Happy New year


  1. Happy New Year Rob! We are passionate about your adventures and we want to see the film, if it is still available. But did the two heroes kill all the villains or did they escape first? Are the objects and animals in your setting just decorative or can they be taken from the characters?

    1. This mini adventure was made up by me. And I added the animals to add a bit of colour to the table. But given a bit of time I am sure I could worked them it to the game.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...