Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Three Projects In Progress

 Captain Fabián of the Winter Thorns

Captain Fabián stands apart from the rest of the wild elves. As an exile from the High King's court, He retains the dress code for the high court.  Despite haughty attitude to his country cousins, his superior skill with his broadsword is highly valued.  He is a level 5 champion for the wood elves. 

One of Mark Copplestone's excellent revenant elves from Warmonger miniatures and first of the wood elves I have painted in a while. 

Man of the North?

He is a test paint for a unit of these figures I have offered to paint for a friend. Painted with zenithal highlighting and mainly contrast paints. I am quite pleased how he turned out and he was a speedy paint. 

Slann Mage

I have decided to paint this model in subassemblies. With the underside of the palanquin and the base first. I will then put these two parts together and fit the rest of the palanquin. The base will not be completely finished but I want to get the majority of the painting done before I fit the flying stand. 

I know I will not see much of this detail on the underside of the palanquin after it is fitted together but it has been a good practice for the rest of the palanquin. Even though I dry brushed it with a variety of different off-whites it did look quite flat. The ink washes have really lifted the colours. I also decided to paint the detail on the palanquin as I think we usually think of this stone detail as unpainted but many historical monuments were often brightly coloured but is just that  the colours have worn off over time. 



  1. Wonderful jobs all over! Fabián with all the details is gorgeous (oh the snake!), but the second bloke is fantastic in all his stern pose; great paintjob. Go on with that palanquin!

  2. Love the wood elves. The war paint looks very cool. And of course the snake is very nice!
    I always loved the Slann on his floating throne. Looking forward to what you do with it!

  3. Thanks for the comments. Slann mage is a great figure and a joy to paint ( so far ...)


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...