Monday, September 25, 2023

A Fool's Errand

 I Get Why I Don't Normally Do This!

Ok so I do stand by the point that much of ancient stone work was actually painted but it is over time it is worn off so we only see the bare stone. But bloody hell there is a lot of detail on this model. I get why most people don't bother to paint the stone work. 

And it doesn't help that each colour needs at least two coats. I painted all of the blue and then decided it needed at least one more coat with a much brighter colour. 

I am enjoying this... honest!

And Thanks to all of the Wargamers of Singapore

Other past couple of weeks, I have been get several hundred hits a day from Singapore. So, I hope that all of the Wargamers of Singapore are enjoying this blog!



  1. Wow, looking definitely ace, keep up the good job!

  2. Yep, looking good. Most Stone work did have paint jobs, often.... a bit rough and very bright.. very little of these seam to have survived with the paintwork but some a 'digital' restoring has been done due to bits of paint flakes still there.

  3. Thanks, this mini has a shed load of detail. But I like look now I am mostly done.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...