Tuesday, September 20, 2022

First Leg of Riolta's World Tour

Travels in Lustra

I thought I would post a few pictures of Riolta on her travels as she seems to show up in lot of different locations. 

Riolta visiting an old Slann temple. 

Ther statue a.k.a. known as a fridge magnet I brought home from our holiday to Mexico. Always on the lookout for good wargaming stuff. Plus, a quick picture in the garden using some of potted plants to add that exotic touch. 

Riolta meets the mighty Malacassa and is impressed!

I Actually Painted a Dwarf from The Hobbit That I Like!

Actually, painting Bifur went well tonight, nothing special just managing to get the basics right. Painting these dwarves has been a bit of pain (just see any other post on this topic by me). I did look at the painting guide on Bifur for reference on Smoke Ring Miniatures which did help but the main difference is I tried to add the low & highlights by painting rather than drybrushing. As they just don't have enough detail to drybrush properly!



  1. Haha, the first pic is so epic!! I got stuck for a minute admiring the piece and the whole composition! :D

    1. Thanks it was very much spur of the moment idea while having a coffee break.

  2. Lovely use of a fridge magnet!
    I also really like your work on Bifur's hair, great highlighting brings out the shaggy mane!

    1. Thanks, I have started to use a higher magnification lenses and I think it is helping


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...