Wednesday, September 28, 2022

All Sharkey's Men

First of Sharkey's Ruffian Bands Finished

Finished off Rowan Thistlewood this evening, which was the last of the original band of ruffians which I started in mid-August. So, I thought I would recreate the opening photo is this little project (it's good to see the first part of a project finished). I have even managed to get a few games in and have now started the next group. Plus reduced the lead / plastic pile by a little bit as all the miniatures have come from there so far. 

Even found time to do an extra four ruffians this month. 

The tall wild man on the right is a converted Grenadier barbarian. The main change was giving him a pair of trousers and a shirt! So that he looks more like a wild man of Dunland and less like Conan's uncle. I am quite pleased with the transformation, so may do a few more to bulk up Sharkey's followers. As still have a few unpainted ones lurking about. 

The last of Sharkey's heroes

Next Stop on the World Tour

Hunting a few wights in their barrows. 
For fun...



  1. Nice! They certainly look ready to cause some trouble on the Shire...

    1. Thanks, just finishing a more characters so I can play through the Scouring of the Shire


Ruffians Beware

 Game 2 - Farmer Maggots Farm So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross...