Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Troll Attack Pack

It was 1984 or Troll Pack Attack or Pack Attack Troll 

I didn't read advert properly the first time and decided I liked my version better. 

All 80's Citadel Goodness

Whilst setting up the latest high elf for photographing, I decided I needed some contemporary opponents to match against them. And these early eighties C20 trolls nicely fitted the bill. 

But this reminded me of a half-forgotten advert in White Dwarf (Turns out it was White Dwarf 65 - August 1984). Ok these high elves aren't the Tom Meier ones but they certainly fitted the vibe. With a very nice little illustration. 

Just to point out that my memory isn't that good, I just happened to be looking through this White Dwarf recently whilst looking for something else I couldn't find. And hadn't put the magazine back. 

Also this issue of White dwarf also had an advert for Citadel's collector cards. Were you could get free figures if you could match all of the cards in a set. Certainly time for a comeback (Citadel take note!).

And finally I had to include the picture on the cover by Chris Achilleos. Proving that not all of the White Dwarf covers of the 80's had a scantily clad female. 

After all of this nostalgia, I had to casually mention that the top 20th film of 1984 was Dune. Since I already went through my top three films of 1984 (Top 3 1984 films). This  classic sci-film that got pushed out of my top three but still deserves a mention. 

Anyway back to a few WIP shots of the high elf. 


1 comment:

  1. nice work on the paintjobs.. but for Citedel to do something for free? after the current screw job to hobby shops selling their paints?. yeah.. seams unlikely. though since I don't think I have citedel models post mid 90s (okay, i tell a lie.. when they did that part works set a few years back.. the first issue was worth it for the paints alone.. got a couple of space marines with it but boy they are big figures these days.. still. okay for paint practice though I only did one so far..


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