Saturday, August 13, 2022

More Scenery & LotR Stuff

 Boromir Arrives on his Mighty Steed

Ambushed on the way to Rivendell

In the end I opted for a simple black scheme on the horse to try and make it a bit more imposing Where Have all the horses gone?). But overall he goes well with the version on foot.

Scouring of the Shire - Ruffian Huts under Refurbishment

I made these  huts a few years ago for a Scouring of the Shire campaign. They were done in a hurry and I was trying to find ways of not doing much painting.  Whilst I quite like the design, the stone effect wallpaper didn't really work, and the woodwork was a bit rough (ok very rough). So in light my previous attempts on the cityscape photography board. I thought would attempt to remove the wallpaper and attempt to the texture the walls. And give them a general tidy up. They will then also be suitable for the city scape board. 

Unlike the other foam card used to make the cityscape board, the card on these buildings wasn't easy to peel off. I ended using a long Stanley knife blade (the kind with the snap off sections) to slide between the card and foam layers. This did make the foam a bit rough, but this actually helps the design. I even managed to get the paper and card off of the hut with a covered porch with doing any major damage. 

Sections of brick were added and then the remainder of the walls were given a light coat of poly filler. Which when dry, will be given a gentle sanding to dial down the roughness of the walls. Then it tidy up and painting. 

Speedy mark one ruffian huts

Already looking better



  1. Boromir with his bright and light colored clothes on a (small) black horse works well!
    The walls of the huts are also significantly improved with your texturing: are they hobbit huts?

  2. No, huts for the ruffians during the Scouring of the Shire

  3. It warms my heart to see so many vintage minis painted so well and set up on such nice scenery. I really love the way you did Boromir. I think I have a copy of the dismounted Boromir kicking around, but I wasn't sure if I liked the sculpt enough to paint him. But looking at yours, I think I should give him a try. Thanks for the inspiration.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...