Thursday, August 18, 2022

All of them Ruffians to a Man (or Hobbit)

 Sharkey's Rogues

At one stage I thought black was a good undercoat. Not really sure why now!? 

Most of the ruffians, now prepared for painting & repainting. Will need a few more to round out this force. But plenty to be getting on with for now. 

The whips were made from thin wire  and the manacles from some modelling chain I had left over from an old  railway set. As soon as I had finished, I realised the manacles actually needed the cuffs on the ends where the hands or feet are held. So this have to be done before painting can start. 

I tried the idea for making whips from the Iron-mitten blog, where Secundus used thin brush bristles for the whip. I am not completely sold on the idea but I think way that I have done the first one. Rather than the idea of using the brush bristles itself. Will probably need another go. 

Facing off against a few sturdy hobbits. 

Not really worked.
Need to rethink this one.

Rogues Gallery

The characters I have completed so far. 

After I finished him, I realised he was
supposed have some manacles as well. Doh!



  1. You have customized your ruffians very effectively, and already the test in front of the hobbits heralds a tough battle for the Shire!
    Your experiment of a whip with a thin plastic wire seems to work well for us: it is probably a little oversized compared to the coiled whips of the other characters (made of brass wire?), but consistent with the "heroic scale" of fantasy miniatures.

  2. Oh, nice! The whip idea is genius, so thanks both to Secundus and yourself! I'll be keeping an eye on the project to shamelessly copy the results!! :D


Death of Lotho

Yes, Really  Pre-Battle Again, both sides used Influence points to add a minor hero, Strong Armed Pete for Ruffians and Pip Proudfoot for th...