Saturday, June 18, 2022

Captain of the Royal Centaurs

Mid Year Finishing Stuff

As suspect many of us do, we have some miniatures which fly across the paint bench and others that linger for months. I first started this figure back in February (Centaur Conversion) and it has resolutely remained there until this week. When I finally added a few quick colours to finish him off. 

He fulfils the brief I had for him,  which was to act as the captain of the Royal Centaurs in the Thistlewood scenario. But I also wanted the option to use him in both my Chaos and Fae armies. 

Now I just have to decide what I am going to do for the other four centaurs needed in this scenario (and make useful little unit).  I have another couple of spare LotR horses from which this horse body came. But I don't have any more spare beastmen and I don't want them all the same as this one. So either do a few more conversions or look for some actual centaurs. 

He also marks the start of me deciding to finish off a number of miniatures which have also lingered on the paint bench for long enough. 



  1. A truly successful conversion: congrats!
    The pose is very dynamic, looming over the poor sea elves... The idea of ​​adding accessories on the back had already given more character to the centaur; your paint job has now smoothed out the parts and emphasized details like the shield. From the colours you used and the design on the shield, it seems to us that the creature definitely has a chaotic alignment. Can he still fit into your Fae army?

  2. Great conversion and paintings. No reason why centaurs should be all noble and goodly. I need a load for a Kings of War army I'm thinking about so I missed pinch your idea.

  3. I love it! It's a great concept and it turned out magnificently!

  4. Thanks for the comments guys


Sharkey's Henchman

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