Thursday, June 23, 2022

Running with the Hounds

Elven Animal Keepers 

From White Dwarf 96

The only unit I ever finished in that first attempt complete a wood elf army back in the nineties was an elven animal handler. In that case it was the boar keeper. However, for my new army I have decided to start with the hound keeper.  

Faster than a speeding...

It is quite hard to pick up one of these classic Citadel miniatures for a reasonable price, so I have been looking at alternatives. And decided on a minor conversion of a ex-Grenadier Barbarian courier. Both the original Citadel figure and Grenadier barbarian have quite a lot in common in terms of pose and look. And the Grenadier barbarians and wood elves were both sculpted by Mark Copplestone, So I feel he will fit in well with my existing ex-Grenadier wood elves.  

I did debate adding pointy ears but
you can't really see them anyway. 

Having sorted the first animal hander, it's time to turn attention to the hounds. So continuing the 90's metal vibe. 

Wrong 90's Metal vibe - Sort of! 

Yes, I know its a really poor joke. But just look at the hair!

This really this leaves only two choices either  finding some original Citadel hounds off eBay or Alternative Armies hounds from their Erin Celtic Myth range (Recently remastered). Alternative armies only do one standing pose but then so did Citadel with their range as well. To be honest I prefer the hound from the AA range. So that's probably the way I am going to go. 

From the Alternative Armies Website. 

So the Wood Elf army continues to grow.



  1. We must admit that the choice of your miniature alternative to the Citadel animal keeper is just right: perhaps due to our ignorance, but before reading what you wrote, we thought that you had modified one of the Citadel elves ...
    AA's dog too seems suitable to me, even more than the originals: being conceived for the Erin series, the Irish wolfhound has a Celtic look that fits well with the aspect you are giving to your army.

    1. Good point, I hadn't really thought about but the AA hounds do fit better the whole army vibe.

  2. Nice conversion work. It's so much more satisfying finding cheaper proxies than paying through the nose for Citadel figures.

    1. Thanks, I think the other animal keepers may be a bit harder to do.

  3. yeah, nice work on the handler. And it looks like AA's hound wouldn't be too hard to do some bending of the legs and head for a bit of variation in poses.

  4. Thanks, good point about the hounds


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