Bill Is Sent Packing
I played through the scenario on Saturday and then realised
I did not use the At Em Lads special rule which gives the ruffians a
plus one Fight value when fighting hobbits. Which I felt was crucial to
the game at a couple of key points. So, I replayed the game again on Sunday
with the special rule in play, but the hobbits had an even greater victory when
I replayed the scenario. So, the replayed scenario stays and is presented
The ruffians swarmed forward with Bill at the front of the
those attacking the bridge. With the archers advancing enough to launch a
volley. The hobbits did not move but picked up stones ready to throw them at
the attacking ruffians. Strong Armed Pete was the first casualty when he was
hit by a stone to the kneecap. And none of the arrows found a target.
Things didn’t go any better for the ruffians in the second turn as three managed to fall in the river and the remaining few which made the jump were swamped by hobbits and taken down. As a house rule, any ruffian falling in the river has chance of being washed down river. On the bridge things went better for ruffians as they managed to capture Holfoot and push the hobbits back. But didn't cause any wounds.
Fortunately for the ruffians One-Eyed Ned turned up on turn three and he immediately sent his lackeys to help those around the bridge while he went to support Bill with his spear.
And then another ruffian fell in the river! On the bridge the ruffians were continuing push back the hobbits and take down an odd hobbit. But around the bridge the hobbits had the upper hand and were making short work of the ruffians.
By turn seven, the ruffians were reaching breaking point and with Farmer Maggot and
Pip Proudfoot arriving the ruffians knew the game was up. So, Bill realising he couldn’t win then turned
tail to flee the battlefield with his few surviving lackeys. The hobbits were then able to rescue Holfoot.
After the Battle
Pip rolled on the experience table to improve his Fight value. None of the other hobbits had enough experience and they escaped injury but had to use two influence points to replace lost Fate points.
The other ruffians escaped injury but also had to use two
influence points to replace lost Fate points.
Sid and Sharky will undoubtedly having some sharp words with
Bill about his failure to teach a few hobbits a lesson!
Brutus was given a bit of a touch up, but he looks a bit
crude by today’s standards. The left-hand side of his face was a bit miscast,
so I made it look like a burn.
These Hobbits sure seem to be handling this incursion of Ruffians quite well! Looks like Sharkey might have to take to the field himself...
ReplyDeleteHooray for the Shire! They are indeed tougher than those ruffians anticipated...