Traitor from Isengard
Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho', I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima mini, that I painted about twenty years ago. But also had a 'spare' one in the lead pile so decided I it was time to paint up up a new one. As I am not really a fan of the Worm sculpt from GW, but I am quite happy with the Grima mini.
By this stage of the Lord of the Rings - Grima (Worm) has been having a really bad time after being kicked out of Isengard. So, I wanted my mini to look like Grima had fallen on hard times. With plenty of dirt and distressing on his clothes. Which I simulated with light dotted lines along the wear lines of the clothes.
Work also progresses on painting up Radagast, I still need to get more different browns to stop him, looking like he has been painted with one pot of paint!
Defo done the trick in terms of him being manky dirty old dude.