Friday, February 7, 2025

Ruffian Toll Collecting

 Tolls & Taxes

Not much hobbying lately as I have been away on business. But I finally got some time in today, to finish off the Ruffian toll booth. Now I am back, I can focus on the next campaign scenario - The Ruffians Arrive. 

One More Wizard

After about half a dozen attempts, I finally got my hands on a limited edition Radagast the Brown. The Buy It Now options on eBay are £30 - £50 which just seems just nuts. So, I have been waiting for reasonable auction one. But then so has everyone else. Pleased I managed to get one still on the sprue.

One From the Other side of the Pond

I managed to test (purely for scientific purposes) a number of different local ales while away. And on the whole, most were pretty good. 



  1. Coolio.

    I am recently returned to 25mm gaming after about 30 years away.
    One of the first models I made was a toll booth, they offer such great potential.
    Great stuff.

    What are the rules and what is on that sign?


    1. I did print out the rules but they are a little small for my inkjet printer. I will stick it on a future post. The sign says toll booth. I reckon there will at least one scenario around tolls and smuggling.

  2. I was also curious about the rules. I bet there's one about transporting local ales over county lines.

    1. That sounds like great little scenario 😁.


The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The...