Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Old Mill

The Ruffians Return to Form (Just)


Even with the upgrades to the hobbit forces, then I still think this is a tough scenario for the hobbits. Because of the roughly equal numbers and the overall advantage the ruffians have in combat. The actual game was much more of an equal affair. 

For the next scenario, four of the hobbits picked up stones, one brought a quarterstaff, and a hobbit and hound arrived. The hobbit side used three influence points to call a local hero to help. I was undecided if I should use Pip or not as he is well suited to this scenario but the hobbits only have one local hero and probably wise to have at least two. But in the end I went with Pip and his bow. 

The ruffians didn’t roll any specials but also used three influence points to bring Brutus to the fight. 

The Fight

Anyway, the ruffians advanced in two groups to try and split the hobbits. The ruffians lost a few of their number to arrows and stones before the two groups. With Ted Sandyman lurking in the back. 

But eventually the two forces met, and the ruffians ground their way through the hobbits. But even outnumbering the hobbits two to one, the ruffians seemed to struggle to make much progress. Pip squared off against Brutus and took him down but the then was taken down by the ruffian behind him.

Despite losing the left flank including Ted, the ruffians were winning in the centre and on the right flank. And then finally the remaining hobbits broke leaving the old mill to Sharkey’s men.

After the Battle

Brutus gained enough experience to roll on the experience table and gained a Defence bonus but picked up an Old Battle Wound. And Ted Sandyman picked up a leg wound. 

Pip recovered from the battle unscathed but with not enough experience to advance. 

The ruffians did win but made more of a slog of the game than I was expecting but once again the hobbits seemed to have the better luck for much of the game. Anyway on to the next game. 



  1. I love following your progress through the scenarios – I really want to root for the underdog, but in the end I would probably be happier to see the hobbits be victorious.

    1. I have to say I switch between supporting the hobbits and the ruffians.

  2. Great stuff, always a treat to see games with scratch-built terrain as opposed to so much of the 3d printed stuff these days.

  3. Thanks for the comments,I always find these projects as a spur to finish minis and scenery.


Toll Collecting

 Not as Easy as the Ruffians Think! Time to go off script and play a scenario around the toll booth. So, the toll booth was set up with a ru...