Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard

Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho', I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima mini, that I painted about twenty years ago.  But also had a 'spare' one in the lead pile so decided I it was time to paint up up a new one. As I am not really a fan of the Worm sculpt from GW, but I am quite happy with the Grima mini. 

By this stage of the Lord of the Rings - Grima (Worm) has been having a really bad time after being kicked out of Isengard. So, I wanted my mini to look like Grima had fallen on hard times. With plenty of dirt and distressing on his clothes. Which I simulated with light dotted lines along the wear lines of the clothes. 

Photo Update - 01 Mar 2025

I like this photo better. 

Work also progresses on painting up Radagast, I still need to get more different browns to stop him, looking like he has been painted with one pot of paint!


Monday, February 17, 2025

Toll Collecting

 Not as Easy as the Ruffians Think!

Time to go off script and play a scenario around the toll booth. So, the toll booth was set up with a ruffian on duty and three sets of hobbits attempting to smuggle contraband pass the check point. In the guard hut were six ruffians including Brutus. And lurking on the southern baseline was Paladin Took and three Tookish hunters. 


Paladin Took has realised that the ruffians are gathering up all of the winter supplies and so has arranged for spare stores to be brought to the deep holes of Took clan. He has planned to meet the brave farmers prepared to break the rules just past the checkpoint. So, if necessary he can help if needed. 

No specials or force changes were made as this is my scenario. So, it is (mostly) my fault if it isn't balanced. 


The pigs have a move of 4” and are moved by the player with priority. Unless there is a mini with 1” of the pig in which case take a courage test, if passed then the pig can be moved 4” in the direction of the controlling player. Otherwise the player with priority moves them. Neither side may harm the pigs. 

The Battle

The hobbit's attempt to smuggle through the check point was done using a card system. The deck was divided into red (hobbits) and black (ruffians)cards. Three cards in turn were turned over for each side  with the highest card in each pair winning that pair. So, if the hobbit wins two of the three pairs then the hobbit has managed to convince the ruffian to let them through the checkpoint. If two of the smugglers manage to do this then it will be a very short game! As to win the hobbits need to get two supply carts off the southern base edge. 

The game begins as the first hobbit approaches the toll booth. 

The first cart is through as the hobbits win the first two pairs. 

The second hobbit approaches with two pigs but things do not go to plan. 

The hobbits lose the first pair and the second pair is tied (after the hobbits played their joker and drew a second card) but then they lose the third pair. So, the ruffian raises the alarm. Now, ruffians rush from the guard  hut and Paladin goes to investigate. 

Brutus heads for the toll booth and the two of the smugglers. But sends most of his ruffians to deal with Paladin and his hunters. Both sides shoot quite a few arrows at each other but none manage to find their target in the entire game. 

Brutus once again lives up to his reputation and dispatches the hobbit guiding the pigs. The other combats are inconclusive. 

The hobbits were generally luckier with priority and ruffian attempting to herd the pigs cannot get them stop following the cart towards the hobbit baseline. 

The combats go back and forth but the hobbits continue to move their smuggled loot towards the safety. But not all things go all the hobbits way as Paladin is wounded (By the black hat ruffian) and he fails both of his fate rolls. 

I managed to miss taking pictures for a couple of turns  but Paladin and couple of the hunters hold up the ruffians while the first cart escapes. And then Brutus and one of the ruffians take down Paladin but it is almost too late for them to stop the hobbits. 

The ruffians pass their Courage test and continue their pursuit of the hobbits. 

Brutus realises he is in big trouble if more of the hobbits escape. So, he dashes all of his remaining rogues towards the remaining hobbits. 

Brutus managed to catch the cart handler just as he reaches safety. But is to no avail as the hobbit beats him back. The hobbits then win priority and the second cart escape. The remaining hobbit leaves the pigs to Brutus and  disappears into the dusk. 

And the hobbits have won. 

After the Battle. 

After the battle Paladin made a full recovery and gains a point of Might, proving that Tooks are tough!  But he did have to use one influence point to recover all of his Fate. 

Brutus did gain a bit more experience but will have explain his failure to Sid. 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Arrest of Mayor Will Whitfoot

 Off to the Lockholes


Short on Influence points, the hobbits used two victory points to gain the first turn move for Mayor Whitfoot and bring a new local hero – Battlin’ Alf Grubb. When I played this scenario previously, Sid managed a last turn victory by grabbing Mayor Whitfoot, but the game would have been much more one sided for the hobbits, if the mayor is not allowed to move on the first turn. So, the hobbits had to use a victory point to gain this small advantage. 

Five of the hobbits came prepared and had picked up stones and the sixth brought a long staff.  

Confident of victory, the Rogues used three influence points to bring one-eyed Ned along to the fight. The rogues did not manage to roll up any other special characters. 

The Battle

Predictably the hobbits moved towards the safety of the southern table edge with the five hobbits able to move and throw stones on the flanks with clear lines of fire to Sid’s group of ruffians. The hobbits to take down a couple of archers before they can return fire.

The hobbits and ruffians clash as the hobbits attempt to push past Sid. As the hobbits win priority, Sid calls a heroic move and Will responds in kind. With Will winning the roll off. This moves the Hobbits forward, but Will can only play this trick once with just one point of Might. The hobbits block the ruffians from the west and east push on towards the south.

The luck of previous battles disserts the hobbits and the ruffians make short work of them and Sid is able to pin Whil Whitfoot until he captures him. And then poor Whil is carted off to the lockholes.

 After the Battle

One-eyed Ned finally gets enough experience points to gain a roll on the experience table and gains an extra point of defence.  

Sid proves once again he is best fighter in the Shire and his presence is enough to ensure the ruffians fight with fervour. As both main characters act as banners, they mostly cancelled each other out. As with other characters, Sid had a repaint to bring him up to current standards. 

Despite Whil’s capture, Battlin’ Alf Grubb gave good account of himself taking down two ruffians. The ruffians clearly didn't think he was worth the trouble of arresting. But maybe next time...

Obviously I don't want to spend £100 buying the official hobbits characters from GW. Especially those that might only appear in one scenario! So, Bilbo will do double duty for Mayor Will Whitfoot. 

So, this evens up the campaign with three victories apiece with some tough games up ahead for the hobbits. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Toll Booth Detail

Follow the Rules

I was asked to give a bit more info on the toll booth I made for the Scouring of the Shire campaign. Including what rules I posted inside the booth. The sign simply says toll road. The rules I had to cut them down, as they were just too big, I am sure must be against the rules!


The Old Mill

The Ruffians Return to Form (Just)


Even with the upgrades to the hobbit forces, then I still think this is a tough scenario for the hobbits. Because of the roughly equal numbers and the overall advantage the ruffians have in combat. The actual game was much more of an equal affair. 

For the next scenario, four of the hobbits picked up stones, one brought a quarterstaff, and a hobbit and hound arrived. The hobbit side used three influence points to call a local hero to help. I was undecided if I should use Pip or not as he is well suited to this scenario but the hobbits only have one local hero and probably wise to have at least two. But in the end I went with Pip and his bow. 

The ruffians didn’t roll any specials but also used three influence points to bring Brutus to the fight. 

The Fight

Anyway, the ruffians advanced in two groups to try and split the hobbits. The ruffians lost a few of their number to arrows and stones before the two groups. With Ted Sandyman lurking in the back. 

But eventually the two forces met, and the ruffians ground their way through the hobbits. But even outnumbering the hobbits two to one, the ruffians seemed to struggle to make much progress. Pip squared off against Brutus and took him down but the then was taken down by the ruffian behind him.

Despite losing the left flank including Ted, the ruffians were winning in the centre and on the right flank. And then finally the remaining hobbits broke leaving the old mill to Sharkey’s men.

After the Battle

Brutus gained enough experience to roll on the experience table and gained a Defence bonus but picked up an Old Battle Wound. And Ted Sandyman picked up a leg wound. 

Pip recovered from the battle unscathed but with not enough experience to advance. 

The ruffians did win but made more of a slog of the game than I was expecting but once again the hobbits seemed to have the better luck for much of the game. Anyway on to the next game. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

The Ruffians Arrive

Bill Is Sent Packing

I played through the scenario on Saturday and then realised I did not use the At Em Lads special rule which gives the ruffians a plus one Fight value when fighting hobbits. Which I felt was crucial to the game at a couple of key points. So, I replayed the game again on Sunday with the special rule in play, but the hobbits had an even greater victory when I replayed the scenario. So, the replayed scenario stays and is presented below.

The ruffians swarmed forward with Bill at the front of the those attacking the bridge. With the archers advancing enough to launch a volley. The hobbits did not move but picked up stones ready to throw them at the attacking ruffians. Strong Armed Pete was the first casualty when he was hit by a stone to the kneecap. And none of the arrows found a target. 

Things didn’t go any better for the ruffians in the second turn as three managed to fall in the river and the remaining few which made the jump were swamped by hobbits and taken down. As a house rule, any ruffian falling in the river has chance of being washed down river. On the bridge things went better for ruffians as they managed to capture Holfoot and push the hobbits back. But didn't cause any wounds.

Fortunately for the ruffians One-Eyed Ned turned up on turn three and he immediately sent his lackeys to help those around the bridge while he went to support Bill with his spear.

And then another ruffian fell in the river! On the bridge the ruffians were continuing push back the hobbits and take down an odd hobbit. But around the bridge the hobbits had the upper hand and were making short work of the ruffians.

By turn seven, the ruffians were reaching breaking point and with Farmer Maggot and Pip Proudfoot arriving the ruffians knew the game was up. So, Bill realising he couldn’t win then turned tail to flee the battlefield with his few surviving lackeys. The hobbits were then able to rescue Holfoot.

After the Battle

Pip rolled on the experience table to improve his Fight value. None of the other hobbits had enough experience and they escaped injury but had to use two influence points to replace lost Fate points.

The only high point for the ruffians is that they gained a new Bully – Brutus Smith but he did not have enough experience to roll on the experience table. Strong Armed Pete did gain enough experience despite being the first mini to be removed from play and added a Wound point but sustained a leg injury courtesy of a hobbit slinger.

The other ruffians escaped injury but also had to use two influence points to replace lost Fate points.

Sid and Sharky will undoubtedly having some sharp words with Bill about his failure to teach a few hobbits a lesson!

Brutus was given a bit of a touch up, but he looks a bit crude by today’s standards. The left-hand side of his face was a bit miscast, so I made it look like a burn.


The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The...