Friday, December 22, 2023

Who Do You Serve?


So, I have finished of the little Minas Tirith project with the knight done. And found time to also finish off the Uruk Hai scout captain. Whilst I don't have any more Uruk Hai in waiting pile but I have decided redo a few older minis which need a bit of an update. 

The Osgiliath veterans hold off  invading orcs.

Last of the Osgiliath veterans and first of Uruk Hai scouts.

The Uruk Hai group for tidy up.

Saruman and scout captains.

The entire group of Osgiliath veterans.

Friday night so time for a beer.



  1. Veterans make a great impression among the ruins of the city: your beer is well deserved!
    Ad for the Uruks, do you plan to just change the color of the bases or repaint them entirely? If the latter, do you paint over the old layers or will the orcs take a bath in Dettol?

  2. I find all of them really appealing, lovely work all over, and a well deserved beer too!!


Death of Lotho

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