Monday, December 11, 2023

The Veterans of Osgiliath

 A Short Change of Pace

I decided that I wanted a bit of change from painting wood elves and Slann. And after a bit of a root around the plastic pile, I found a few warriors of Minas Tirith. They had come from a car boot job lot I bought a few years ago.  Some of them were a bit beat up but that provided an incentive to do a bit of light conversion. 

I also wanted to have a go at doing some ruined bases of Osgiliath. 

The first search yielded a band of seven.

A closer look in the box, got me another three and a very broken knight of Minas Tirith. Who may get fixed later.

First attempt at a ruined base.

After the first evening of tidying up. As the LotR minis are a smaller scale, I had to use parts from historical sprues. As the warriors of Osgiliarth have been fighting the orcs for some time. I wanted mix up their weapons and equipment. To give them a less uniform appearance. Plus I plan to use a different paint scheme to make them stand out further.

And I have been painting up some Slann allies - the lizard men a.k.a. Snake men from Frostgrave.



  1. Can't wait to see those brave defenders of Osgiliath painted! That snakeman looks ace!

    1. Thanks, I actually prefer this colour scheme to the ‘classic’ green ones I have already done.

  2. A promising little project, and miniature damage allows you to create unique miniatures, more in keeping with the harsh guerrilla warfare of Osgiliath. Are you going to paint the armours as dirty and dented, a result of battles with the orcs?

    1. Yep, definitely going to look battle worn.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...