Monday, December 18, 2023

December Post No. 4

 It's Best Title I Could Think Up on a Monday Night!

Most of the way through this little side project.  With eight of the warriors done, including first of the rangers.

These new Osgiliarth veterans leading some of my twenty year old warriors of Minas Tirith. Who were in better condition than I remembered them. I have definitely gone off the brown bases,  black is only correct colour! And goblin green bases are also wrong 😲.

I even found time to tidy up the knight of Minas Tirith and do a quick weapons swap on an old mini of Shagrat. Who will become a scout captain of the Uruk Hai. Another survivor of the from lead pile and so far no money spent 🤔.

The knight was another of the minis from the car boot job lot. And of course he was heavily glued to the broken horse.  After a certain amount of swearing, I managed to separate him from the horse and drill out the broken lance. And he will shortly be ready for battle again.



  1. We really appreciate the commitment with which you are bringing these miniatures back to life, even with quite a few difficulties. Excuse our ignorance, due to decades of absence from the hobby, but to what period does the trend of painting the edge of bases brown belong? The green and blue colour combination for the ranger is nice: it matches well with the rest of the team, even if some doubts arise about the camouflage effectiveness. We wouldn't be surprised if he was the first defender in Osgiliath that the orcs would practice target practice on :)

    1. Thanks for the comments. When GW brought out the Lord of the Ring minis back in 2000s they painted the bases with a dark brown. Which I copied but never really liked.

  2. Fantastic work refurbishing all these, I love this project!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...