Thursday, December 28, 2023

Gort the Giant

 The Heroes Begin to Muster

First of the heroes from Hawk the Slayer. Gort the giant played by Bernard Bresslaw. Probably best known for the Carry On movies. At six feet five inches, he was an imposing figure. His other important genre credit was as an ice warrior in Doctor Who.

Bernard as an ice warrior in Doctor Who

Gort 'I'd sooner Sat cowdung '

Soldier 'That can be arranged, and you can wash it down with your own blood if needs be'

Gort vs. A few ruffians.

Gort and Balin debate sharing food...

A Small Disagreement

I decided to replay Gort's opening scene where a merchant tried to double cross Gort after he fixes his wagon. When merchant refuses to pay for the repair to the wagon. Gort breaks the wagon. And the merchant, calls some ruffians to sort Gort out. 

I used Middle Earth strategy battle games rules as they are easy to play and ideal for a quick skirmish. Gort has to take on five ruffians. When I writing this up and looked for some pictures, I found he actually took on six ruffians.

Still no home PC, so I have had to take a picture of the stats as the PC can’t connect to the internet 😨.

Gort has few harsh words for the merchant.

Gort moves away to avoid being surrounded. And takes down two.

But the remaining ruffians still manage to surround Gort.

Gort (yellow dice) loses the combat against the three ruffians and has to use his two points of might to win the combat. Remember Gort has a -1 on his dice due his two handed weapon.

The last ruffian flees. Similar result to the film!


Friday, December 22, 2023

Who Do You Serve?


So, I have finished of the little Minas Tirith project with the knight done. And found time to also finish off the Uruk Hai scout captain. Whilst I don't have any more Uruk Hai in waiting pile but I have decided redo a few older minis which need a bit of an update. 

The Osgiliath veterans hold off  invading orcs.

Last of the Osgiliath veterans and first of Uruk Hai scouts.

The Uruk Hai group for tidy up.

Saruman and scout captains.

The entire group of Osgiliath veterans.

Friday night so time for a beer.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

For Gondor

 Boromir Makes an Appearance 

When I was about three quarters through painting the warriors of Minas Tirith, I realised, I had a half painted Boromir - Captain of Gondor sitting at the back of the in-progress* shelf.  So, he pushed himself to the front of the queue once the warriors were done. 

All ten of warriors and rangers have now been painted. With only the knight to complete.

* Or I got bored, lost interest or couldn't work what to do next shelf.

I have now finished the ruined base for the knight. As it is a bit bigger, I decided to make a little dockside quay. With a bit of picket fence. Now ready to paint.

All ten minis of the original plan.


Monday, December 18, 2023

December Post No. 4

 It's Best Title I Could Think Up on a Monday Night!

Most of the way through this little side project.  With eight of the warriors done, including first of the rangers.

These new Osgiliarth veterans leading some of my twenty year old warriors of Minas Tirith. Who were in better condition than I remembered them. I have definitely gone off the brown bases,  black is only correct colour! And goblin green bases are also wrong 😲.

I even found time to tidy up the knight of Minas Tirith and do a quick weapons swap on an old mini of Shagrat. Who will become a scout captain of the Uruk Hai. Another survivor of the from lead pile and so far no money spent 🤔.

The knight was another of the minis from the car boot job lot. And of course he was heavily glued to the broken horse.  After a certain amount of swearing, I managed to separate him from the horse and drill out the broken lance. And he will shortly be ready for battle again.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Osgiliarth Warriors

 Four of Ten Done

First group done. I decided to go with a dark blue and gold colour scheme instead of the usual black and silver. 

As they supposed I be Osgiliarth veterans, I went with ruined  bases and water paint.

Friday night so must be time for a beer.


Monday, December 11, 2023

The Veterans of Osgiliath

 A Short Change of Pace

I decided that I wanted a bit of change from painting wood elves and Slann. And after a bit of a root around the plastic pile, I found a few warriors of Minas Tirith. They had come from a car boot job lot I bought a few years ago.  Some of them were a bit beat up but that provided an incentive to do a bit of light conversion. 

I also wanted to have a go at doing some ruined bases of Osgiliath. 

The first search yielded a band of seven.

A closer look in the box, got me another three and a very broken knight of Minas Tirith. Who may get fixed later.

First attempt at a ruined base.

After the first evening of tidying up. As the LotR minis are a smaller scale, I had to use parts from historical sprues. As the warriors of Osgiliarth have been fighting the orcs for some time. I wanted mix up their weapons and equipment. To give them a less uniform appearance. Plus I plan to use a different paint scheme to make them stand out further.

And I have been painting up some Slann allies - the lizard men a.k.a. Snake men from Frostgrave.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Izcoatl - Blesser of Water

 Level 5 Slann Wizard (Updated)

This is the tech mage  Phrogg from Ral Partha Europe. Who fits very well as a low level wizard for my 3rd Ed. WFB Slann army. I have decided to ditch  the level 5 hero as the leader of human slaves and replace him with the wizard. I am not sure if that is a good idea in terms of gameplay but he looks good.

Photo from an iPad instead of a Kindle which I think is a better quality.

I have been cutting up some of the aquarium plants to make them a bit smaller and more suitable for 25mm bases. I was originally going to paint them. But I rather liked the translucent pink leaves. 

Still a Kindle edition 🤔


A Ruffian Horde

 Over Twenty Minis! Painted up the last few ruffians needed for the next scenario, this is for the first of the ' big ' games with o...