Friday, November 17, 2023

Skarloc's Wood Elves from a Different Dimension

Still Looking

Skarloc's wood elves is one the best regiments of renown and whilst I couldn't quite stretch the budget to a complete set. But I did manage to get Skarloc himself and painted an ex-Grenadier command group to join him including my choice for Wardancer captain. 

Obviously the proper Skarloc's wood elves were sculpted by Jes Goodwin and the ex-Grenadier ones by Mark Copplestone.  Both sets are excellent but where I think Jes Goodwin's elves just win over Mark's ones. Because Jes has sculpted his figures with a wider variety of kit and looks. The ex-Grenadier minis just look like they all went to the same hairdresser and clothing stylist.

 As usual on to the beer.



  1. They are such a treat. Pretty cool job, they look fantastic!

  2. Superb painting job. I love the skin tone

  3. It has taken over thirty minis but I finally happy with skin tones šŸ¤”.


Sharkey's Henchman

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