Friday, November 3, 2023

Side Project Dragon

Another Tom Meier Dragon

I got this Tom Meier dragon last Christmas and it has taken a bit of time to work out how to paint him. This is the second time I have painted this dragon, the first time was in the nineties. The original one, a friend of mine still has, so I am hoping to get a picture and be able to compare the two.

Most of the painting on the dragon is complete, so now focus turns to the base. Which will be the dragon sitting on a small treasure hoard. 



  1. Oh, that's a beautiful sculpt! And really lovely painting work as well. I love the little bits of bone to contrast against the green and all the different shades in the green!

    1. It was a really interesting side project. If I decide to paint any Nurgle minis, the green to bone paint scheme would work well. Thanks for the comments.


Ruffians Beware

 Game 2 - Farmer Maggots Farm So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross...