Saturday, November 25, 2023

Malacassa Finally has some Support

 The Frogmen of Barrowmaze (Updated)

Finished off this Frogmen set from Ral Partha Europe which go quite well with the vintage Slann.

iPad picture (updated)

Still having to use my Kindle, so the pics not as good 😩.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Slann Animal Handler

 Finally Some Slann (Updated)

Updated iPad photos

The Frogmen of Barrowmaze (from Ral Partha Europe) turned up and went straight to the front of the painting queue.  This allows me to complete the first unit for the Slann army. 

I am pretty pleased how he turned out and fits in well with the giant spiders. 

Had to use my Kindle tonight as the PC is broken. So hopefully the pictures are ok.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Undead Army Quick Challenge

I Found an Army (sort of) 

As what started as an idle Sunday morning thought last week, given all of the zombies I painted this year. Did I have enough minis for a legit WFB 3rd Ed. 1000pts. So, I put together a quick army list and the short answer was no. 

I was missing the unit of Grim Reapers (skeletons armed with 2-handed weapons). So, given I had box of Oathmark revenants sitting on the shelf. I decided to put  together a unit of ten revenants with 2-handed weapons to make up the minimum requirements. Given the minis come with light armour, I sort had to include this in the army list. 

It is probably a bit of a cheat to call the zombie dragon a Carrion but it doesn't really fit into the army list proper and is such a great mini so I had to fit it in somehow.  Now, I do have quite a few more characters and another unit of twenty skeletons. So, could probably stretch to 1500-2000pts without going nuts on characters. But to be fair a level 25 vampire is 690 points on his own with out any equipment let alone magical items. 

The extra ten undead warriors.

The 1000pts in all its glory. 

Now, I am not saying this is the most competitive army list but the minimum points requirements are quite heavy and this was trying to use what I already had. 


Friday, November 17, 2023

Skarloc's Wood Elves from a Different Dimension

Still Looking

Skarloc's wood elves is one the best regiments of renown and whilst I couldn't quite stretch the budget to a complete set. But I did manage to get Skarloc himself and painted an ex-Grenadier command group to join him including my choice for Wardancer captain. 

Obviously the proper Skarloc's wood elves were sculpted by Jes Goodwin and the ex-Grenadier ones by Mark Copplestone.  Both sets are excellent but where I think Jes Goodwin's elves just win over Mark's ones. Because Jes has sculpted his figures with a wider variety of kit and looks. The ex-Grenadier minis just look like they all went to the same hairdresser and clothing stylist.

 As usual on to the beer.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Warfare 2023

First Time in ?

So, I have been to Warfare before but it was so long ago that I can't even remember when it was. This felt like a very different show to Salute, as its focus is really on the tournaments rather than the display games. However, there was a very good selection of traders and display games. 

Most of my time was spent looking at all of the trade stands and catching up with friends. So, I didn't take many pictures.  But I was particularly impressed by the Hex Wing game (See pictures Iron-Mitten - Hex Wing Game) which involved a trio of witches on broomsticks making a bombing run on the Houses of Parliament.

There seemed to be a lot more offers about, especially on paints, and while they might not be full ranges there was plenty of choice. But my mate did pick up a full range of 10 speed paints for £20.   

Got these little bits of scenery for a £1 each.

Paints £2 each or four for a fiver. 

'A Crown of Thorns' - A game set in 1938 Palestine. I do really like these odd pre-war planes and tanks. 

An Operation Sealion  game. 

As expected there were plenty of 3D printers and these ones from Disain Studio, caught my eye. Both were impulse buys  with this Ankylosaurus joining the Slann army. 

And as expected the Doedicurus didn't take long to paint and looks good finished. I really need to play some more games of Paleo hunt. 

Also finally got a set of Raven's Revenge from Crooked Dice which will get put away for Christmas. Which is clearly is Hawk the Slayer and his companions.

'What do you mean you have never heard of Hawk the Slayer???'

Hawk the Slayer is a very low budget fantasy film from 1980. But somehow managed to employ a very large number of British character actors and Jack Palance as the main baddie. Given the very (and could are a very large number of 'very's to this) low budget still decided they needed an elf, dwarf and a giant. Yet despite all of the obvious financial and technical limitations still managed a fun and exciting film (at least to a very young me!). Expect to see more on this later...

Sharkey's rogues can expect to do double duties as Voltan's evil henchmen when I finally get to play a game. 


Friday, November 10, 2023

ME-44 Uruk Hai

Servants of the Red Eye

The latest of my classic Citadel Lord of the Rings minis to be finished. And considerably less time than the Hobbits of the Shire. Good fun to paint with plenty of washes to give them a suitably grubby look. 

 'A little disagreement between the servants of the evil powers'

Next Up Legolas. 

Beer time, Cheers!


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Skarloc Joins the Fray

The Halfway Point

Skarloc marks the halfway point of the wood elf army, with thirty minis done. On the current rate of progress will only take another year! But at least I am getting the hang of this painting scheme. 


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Get Your Own Treasure!

Treasure Hunting 80s Style

I quite pleased how this one turned out, and really underlines Tom Meier's sculpting skill. Given it was originally sculpted in the 80s and then released by Citadel. It is still available via Ral Partha Legacy in the USA but I got mine from in UK from an importer ( for a reasonable price. 

I had originally planned to make the treasure pile from small discs cut from plastic rods to look like coins. But it just didn't look right. So, I mixed the plastic rods with some sieved sand and this created the right mix of sizes and shapes. 


Friday, November 3, 2023

Side Project Dragon

Another Tom Meier Dragon

I got this Tom Meier dragon last Christmas and it has taken a bit of time to work out how to paint him. This is the second time I have painted this dragon, the first time was in the nineties. The original one, a friend of mine still has, so I am hoping to get a picture and be able to compare the two.

Most of the painting on the dragon is complete, so now focus turns to the base. Which will be the dragon sitting on a small treasure hoard. 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Army Building - Wood Elves & Slann

Or I Finally Managed to Paint a Few More Wood Elves Last Month

A quick update on my two in progress armies. 

I have been working on alternative painting scheme for the flesh on the wood elves. Which gives them a bit extra colour. 

Probably need a Jungle background and photo board at some point. 

Very pleased and impressed by the Wargames Atlantic giant spiders. Once I worked the middle legs are different from the other legs. 


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...