Monday, November 21, 2022

The Terminator & the 5 Minute Paint Job

 I Get Distracted into Little Side Projects

After a couple of false starts, I settled on a 30 mm base made up to look like space hulk decking.  This then led to an in-promptu session to make a couple of wall sections, base board and speed paint job on a genestealer in order to create a quick back drop for photographing the terminator. 

The unseen enemy aboard a Space Hulk


Having enjoyed painting up this guy, I need to look for some more...

finished with purity seals*

* Just realised that after I took these photos that I need to add a bit text onto the purity seals! Which you can see on the 'action' shots. 

Close up on the base

The base was a thin layer of Milliput textured using the grip pattern on the metal sculpting tools rolled onto the wet Milliput. The card edging strips were added and the rivets were thin slices from a plastic spear plus a genestealer skull from the Citadel skull set. 

5 Minute paint job 

The genestealer was already zenithal highlighted from an earlier attempt at zenithal highlighting, so I just decided to give him a quick going over with some contrast paints.  I have to say he looks much better than I was expecting, and I am beginning to get that you could paint an army like this in a couple of evenings. Ok, no Golden Demon's but good enough for the table. And you could go back and add some more detail / refinement later.  Ironic that the terminator was painted in the exact opposite to the genestealer i.e., slowly and carefully.

Normal Lighting

Orcs in the under hive



  1. So cool. I do love the light effects, and the 5min work works for this purpose! Bravo!

  2. interesting job on the genestealer. Kinda going for a Tyranid colour scheme than the original (sadly based on the Second Alien(s) film.. nowhere near as good as the first and.. sigh.. don't like it much at all).. anyway, but a very nice and interesting colour scheme

  3. Thanks for the comments. Really enjoyed painting this figure.


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