Thursday, November 24, 2022

Oldhammer C20 Troll Tidy Up

Time for a Quick Make Over

Anyway, why this post. I often find that these trolls make the perfect adversaries for whatever Oldhammer figures I am painting at the moment. When it comes to a quick picture. However, they were painted quite a few years ago and I now think they are beginning to look a bit dated. Certainly, compared to figures painted more recently. But with plenty of other figures to paint, I don't really want to repaint them, and they still have a bit of charm for me. So, I decided that a quick compromise could be reached with a new base and a 30-minute tidy up. 

So, this is the first of the trolls to benefit from such a service. With a limited amount of time, I had to focus on what seemed the most distinctive features which in this case I thought was the face, club and clothing. 

Before 1

Now without a doubt the C20 trolls from which he (Scuttlescree  Soresmeer) came are the best trolls ever. Obviously, in my opinion. I think they mix the right levels of humour and brutal viciousness. Sculpted in 1984 by the Perry twins. Trolls after this time, I think tended much more the comical and lost some of the casual cruelty of these figures. Trolls after all should be something to be scared of.

After 1

After 2

After 3

Bombur escapes the Barrel

After a quick dip in the IPA, Bombur was suitably clean and now back on the painting table. 

Bombur away from the IPA


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