Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Classic Blood Angels Terminator

I'II be Back

So, I went with a classic Blood Angels terminator, for this figure. Which brings back happy memories of terminators being stalked whilst investigating derelict space hulks. The first edition Space Hulk game which I had, was (is) one of GW best games. As the saying goes, simple to play but difficult to master. And we had many tense games as the terminators tried to complete their missions.  The biggest flaw in the game is that everyone wanted to play the terminators but still a classic. 

Not a lot of time this week to paint but I have made steady progress on this figure. I still need to add some purity seals and work out how I want the base to look. 

For the Emperor

I still like this figure; he may not have of the dynamic movement of current terminators but looks solid in his service to the Emperor.  The only feature I am not keen on is the storm bolter which is a bit too flat. But at least it gives opportunity to paint some detail on to it. 

Hazard stripes to be added to the power fist.

Purity seals needed against foul Xenos



  1. A beautiful miniature! I love the different freehands on the shoulders and the bolter.

  2. That's nice! The sculpt is a liitle bit basic, but you turned the guy into quite an interesting model! Congratulations!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...