Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Likely Orks Come Good?

 First Squad of Orks Finished (in 25 years*)


The familiar 'Dakka Dakka' of the bolt guns could be 'eard followed by whine of stub guns as the 'umans returned fire. Both Bullet and Chopper were pinned by a dug in 'eavy stubber  and Spud was busy fighting the 'umans round the back of the village. So, Buzz and Moonie decided the only proper ork tactic was to charge 'eadlong into the village and show these 'umans who is the boss. 

The Likely Orks

This finishes my Orks in Orktober mini project. I still have another five to do and fancy scratch building a classic inspired ork dreadnought. But that will have to wait. The Zenithal  technique quite suits these figures and certainly speeds up the painting process. 

Moonie & Buzz

*The last squad of orks finished was in the nineties and was the original Rogue Trader boxed set. 

The Witching Hour Approaches

As Halloween approaches, I need to do at least one themed figure. And it is an excellent opportunity to finish off the 3rd witch from the Bad Squiddo pack. 

The evil eye

Tartan keeps a witch warm. 



  1. Da Orks are da bezt! Cool job! But I think the tartan pattern is genius, it's quite effective! I love it!

    1. Thanks, I really enjoyed painting the orks!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...