Sunday, October 23, 2022

More Orks

 Spud Joins the Fight

Spud 'the Sneaky Git Bomber' at large

From his 'igh vantage point Spud watched as Bullet and Chopper dropped down into the 'uman camp. He could see that they couldn't see the ragged group of 'umans 'iding on the far side of the village. Funny they didn't look much like the skinny 'umans that they had been fighting for the past week. The skinny 'umans looked a bit like dreaded 'uman bosses in their shiny armour but they didn't know 'ow fight proper once you got into chopping range. Anyway, while these ragged 'umans were fighting Bullet and Chopper he could sneak round the back...

The Likely Lads - The Ork warband grows. 

With browns and tans of these space orks, these remind me of the original look of the Rogue Trader era. Just two more to finish to complete the squad in Oktober. With three orks painted in Oktober, this equals last year's modest record. 

The Terminator

Over on the Leadplague blog (Original-Space-Hulk-Plastic-Terminator) he painted up an original Space Hulk terminator and my comments sort of made me dig out my last plastic terminator. I had to pop him a jar of IPA and he has now finally come out. Finally, he is ready to get a couple of layers of thin paint (unlike the last paint job - which wasn't mine!). Despite having a couple of months to think about I am still not sure what chapter to go for, I am veering towards Blood Angels or Howling Griffons. But waiting for that moment of decision (inspiration) to strike. 

I last painted this design back in 2020, just I was getting back into painting. So, I would like to use this as a chance to stretch my skills and see how I have developed in that time.  And definitely don't want to go back down the all blue route this time. 


1 comment:

  1. What's not to love about these? The Orks look great, but the last pic of the terminator, with the light from downwards, is totally ace!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...