Monday, October 11, 2021

Thistlewood - The Captains of the Good

 King Amias & Friends

Baron Galen, King Amias & Bishop Milendon

Quick post, as I have finished painting Bishop Milendon. To complete the trio of good heroes at Thistlewood. Since Baron Galen commands the cavalry, I thought he ought to be mounted and I only really have one mounted and unmounted hero. The Swan Knight of Dol Amroth. Which is fine as he looks like a mighty hero. 

I have a bit further to go with the forces of good. With only 56% however, I may have few more tucked away in the far corners of my collection. So it may need not quite as many figures as I am thinking. I may also get some elves instead of using the rangers. Having just finished the halfling regiment, they might also get called up. 

Bishop Milendon has just been finished as part of my prep for Thistlewood. He is the Citadel high level AD&D cleric character. Which seems fitting as he has a weapon skill of 6 and 4 wounds.  Plus the magical mace of the White Lord and a stack of magic.  I was pleased how well the gold colours came out on this model. 

A well prepared bishop

The Kings Army




King Amias


AD&D Paladin

Baron Galen


Swan Knight

Bishop Milendon


AD&D Cleric

Imperial Guard


Grenadier Knights

Royal Centaurs


Saw some Cheapside figures

Kings Pike Regiment

8 /15 ?

Men at Arms of Minas Tirith

Kings Sword Regiment

8 /15 ?

Men at Arms of Minas Tirith

Kings Mace Regiment

8 /15 ?

Men at Arms of Minas Tirith

Loyal Half Elves


LotR Rangers

Loyal Dwarves


EM4 Dwarves

Galen’s Cavalry


Grenadier Knights plus maybe Riders of Rohan









  1. Good choices. Dever himself made extensive use of the 1985 LOTR range in his games after Thistlewood, in particular the Swan Knights. He had a regiment painted blue and white as you would expect, but used them as Knights of Durenor from Lone Wolf.

  2. I remember seeing a picture somewhere of the Swan Knights ranked up and it really showed them up well. I am guessing Joe was able to get access to larger numbers at a reasonable price.


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