Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Defenders of the Three Shires

Halfling Army Progress 

The Whole army with nearly 20 years of painting. 

Finished rebasing the halflings that I wanted keep with their early 2000's paint jobs. They do sport a bit of 'battle' damage  but I hope this just adds to the character. Along with the first of the four rangers. These painted units plus a unit of militia will complete the allied contingent for the moment. 

The New Guys

The rangers were painted in a mixture of dark greens and browns to fit their role. Plus each had couple of minor modifications, mainly weapon swaps. I would have liked to use axes as their standard weapon as I thought this would fit the rustic role. However all the spare plastic axes had previously been used on other models so opted for spears instead. Which also seem appropriate as if you are normally facing taller opponents then anything that levels the fight is bound to be preferred. I still have a couple more rangers to do but these need to have the previous paint removed.  It also does mean they match the rangers of Ithilien for weapons. 

First of the Rangers

Next up, paint stripping on the militia and a couple more rangers. Which will pretty much use up my remaining Grenadier halflings. The militia will get a green / yellow paint scheme similar to some of the 2000's figures  which I quite like and a  nice banner to compliment the Giant Killers.  It is also tempting to get a few more from Mark's - Copplestone Castings. As he has done a few nice militia figures however, they are mixed across multiple packs. 

When I finally get round to doing the paint stripping.



  1. Really beautiful! I love the banner!

  2. Looking good... ditto the banner.. very Hobbitish.

  3. Thanks, I am planning do matching one for the militia.

  4. What an excellent army! Can't believe I've only just found out about your blog, looking forward to reading through all the posts so far!


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