Saturday, September 4, 2021

LW1 Giak Attack Finished

 After not painting these figures for years (decades), I sudden found the motivation to finish them. I know it was not many figures but they never seemed to get to the front of the queue until now. It is probably because I am not rushing to finish an army at the moment. Just adding bits as they come along.

So the last two

Maniac Giak

Giak Warrior

Gourgaz was the first to be painted (in the nineties) a and I would like to have another go at him as my painting style/skills have changed significantly. But I am not going to strip this figure But I might be able to get one more...

Anyway with the Giak Attack finished, I have a few other Lone Wolf figures left to paint and in particular Lone Wolf himself. 



  1. That was a great set. I remember being particularly impressed at the time by the knight. Looking at them now, I think they’re all good. Pity GW didn’t manage to make more Giaks though.
    Liking the fox that we see in some of your photos. Where do you get him from?

  2. Thanks, he is actually a wolf from Warbases but he is a bit small for a wolf compared to other figures and looked like a fox to me.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...