Monday, September 13, 2021

Custom Movement Tray

 Ugezod takes to the Field

Ugezod's Mighty Death Commandos

Because I chose to mount Ugezod on a larger base (30mm) he didn't fit with the rest of the Death Commandoes who were on 25mm bases. So I wasn't able to fit them all on one movement tray. So I made a movement tray just for them. After hunting around for 25mm and 32mm drill bits I cut out the required number of holes in a thin piece of plywood. I wanted the battle line to be a bit irregular so made sure that the holes did not line exactly. Ugezod was at the centre naturally as befits an orc of his importance. 

One down...

Making sure the drill didn't wander was the tricky bit. 

One the joining pieces did get damaged by a bit of over enthusiastic drilling but this was easily fixed by a bit of Milliput. Also because I used a 25mm drill bit, I had to sand out the holes a bit bigger so the bases did not stick. The 32mm hole was already big enough.  The tray was glued to a thick piece of card to provide a base. The top was then covered with builders sand and undercoated black.  My method of painting bases has changed since I did the Death Commandos but I wanted the tray to match with them. So once dry it was dry brushed with layers of brown with a little white added gradually. A bit of battle scenery was added in the form a broken shield and a arrow. The movement tray was then finally toped with some static grass.  This static grass looks a bit electric green  now but it does match  orcs. 

I now realise than I really need a standard bearer and musician to finish these guys off but I may add the ex-Grenadier ones done by Nick Lund rather than the other Ugezod ones.



Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...