Thursday, September 9, 2021

Flight From the Dark

 Lone Wolf Returns

I'm on a bit of a Lone wolf Miniatures roll, having painting  more figures this year than the last twenty years put together. So with Lone Wolf painted, I have four figures left, so I think its time to finish painting the rest. It would be good to get the rest of the set (& I will keep my eyes open) but the prices are just to high to justify spending that much on just four more figures. Especially when there are many other great Oldhammer figures for much less money. I am glad I got these ones when the prices were ok. 

I tried go for a colour scheme which fits a ranger. With a bit of dirt as he can't he too clean living in the wilds. The original drawing has a bit too much green, so I decided to limit the green to the cloak only. Using browns instead.  

Almost alone in the wilds

The Classic Gary Chalk Lone Wolf drawing.
Its is pretty clear to see the drawing
was the inspiration for the figure. 

A bit of mud on the cloak

Fighting off Giak raiders

My entire Lone Wolf collection



  1. I do like these figures, as you say clearly based on Gary Chalk's drawings. I've been on the lookout for a Gourgaz at a reasonable price for ages.. very tempted to commission a sculpt if I wait much longer.

  2. The Gourgaz drawing by Gary Chalk is one my favourites. There was Lone Wolf range produced by Alternative Armies (?) after Citadel which included a Gourgaz figure. Which I have occasionally seen in eBay etc.


Sharkey's Henchman

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