Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Very Rotten Bandit

 A Bit of Rot and Rustling

Early evening rustling

The latest of my Lone Wolf figures has been the bandit. Unfortunately he seems to have suffered a bit lead rot. He was a figure that I purchased off of eBay already painted and sat on the shelf for a number of ears before painting.  He had the paint removed and I did attempt to paint him as part of the duel series however I gave up because at the time I thought was unremoved paint but I now realise was lead rot. Which was giving a rough surface around the recesses of the model. 

When I painted him the first time, I did think the paint removal (lead rot) wasn't great but it really showed up as I painted the model. Interestingly the figure was a very dark metal colour which i assume means the lead mix was bit off. As most my other figures from the same period are a much light metal colour. 

This is the only one of the Lone Wolf figures, I can't find the a Gary Chalk picture on which it is based. 

Pre Paint Stripping!

The paint was removed again, any light scraping to remove the remaining paint just damaged the figure.  So figure was cleaned with soap/water/old tooth brush and an loose material removed. Fortunately it  is still be mostly in the recesses. The figure was then  re-undercoated.  I decided to go for a darker scheme to try and hide some of the damage. Overall I am ok with the final result given the state of the miniature. 

After all this excitement! There is only one solution...


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