Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Starting the Year with an Ork Dreadnought

Happy New Year 

In case you had forgotten 😟.

Big Tinz - The Mega Onslaughter Dreadnought Done

Painted the dreadnought in the same speed painting method as the orks i.e. contrast paints and dry brushing. I couldn't quite remember how I painted the bases so it was a bit of a guess, but my best estimate was Blood Angels red Contrast paint then dry brushed with Bugman's Glow and finished with some light blue and gold minerals. Proving it is a good idea to write this stuff down. 

The orks storm the mining settlement with Big Tinz taking the lead. 

Some poor unfortunate get pinched. 

I enjoy creating different basing schemes for my armies and the idea for the space orks was a mining world. Something suitably different from the usual green and earth bases. 

I think Big Tinz might need a little brother and Dread Mobz has a nice ring to it. And of course I need to get these Rogue Trader space marines painted so he can have something to shot at. 



  1. That's a beautiful looking Dreadnought; perfect for pinching 'umies!

  2. Sir, please consider me your devoted fan. This is pure genius, I love the whole process behind and of course the result. Awesome!!

  3. "Proving it is a good idea to write this stuff down." Truer words have never been written on a miniature painting blog.

    Anyway, delightful work and beautifully posed shots. I have an unpainted Ork Dreadnought that's been calling to me for a while, and I think you've finally given me the inspiration to start on it. Cheers!

  4. Thanks for all the comments. This one has been on the 'To Do' list for some time. And I am pleased how it turned out.


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