Friday, December 27, 2024

Advent Wrap Up

Last Advent Mini Painted*

So, I have painted all of the Advent minis, build the dungeon tiles and managed a couple of games. I still need to work through the last couple of scenarios but thoughts turn to the next projects. I still have plenty of in progress stuff.  

*Still minus the wings but they will turn up. 


Now I have a bit of time to work on the ork dreadnought. Painted him red obviously and started on the usual wear and tear. 

And as I start to think about projects for next year, one project springs to mind, finish the wood elves. My 1000pt wood elf army has been in progress for a couple of years and actually has relatively few minis left to paint. I am actually about 80% done, so a shortish push to get them finished and they could be easily done by early next year. 

But then I might get distracted by other shiny stuff...



  1. As a long time Ork fan, I love your dreadnought and the impressive red colour scheme.

  2. I love them all, but I'm also specially in love with the Dreadnought!


The Ruffians Arrive

Bill Is Sent Packing I played through the scenario on Saturday and then realised I did not use the At Em Lads special rule which gives the ...