One More Time
Ok, so I am going to take another go at Scouring of the
Shire*. Using the scenarios set out in the MESBG source book - Scouring of the Shire to form basis the campaign but
with my own force adjustments and some kind of minor progression for heroes and
warrior advancement between games.
So, some more hobbits and ruffians have been ordered, some new scenery started and some of the existing minis have been given had a face lift.
*Got to be the third or fourth time. But the little battles and very non-elite nature of the combatants really appeals.
For the hobbits I am thinking of taking half of the published force and randomising the other half. Keeping any special characters for the scenario. Most of the games in scenario pack seem heavily weighted in favour of the ruffians but I will have to adjust on a scenario-by-scenario basis.
For each hobbit militia to be replaced (up to half),
roll one D6 on the Locals Table. Any ‘special’ hobbit rolled is
replacement for a hobbit militia mini on a one-to-one basis. With exception of the
hound which is an additional mini.
The Hobbit character pool starts
with one local hero. Use the Battle company rules for experience, injuries and
influence (to buy equipment
from the armoury).
One named character
may be added to the character pool but may be only advanced to have a maximum of two
wounds, two attacks, two points of Might and two points of Fate. Influence
points may still be used to equip a named character.
Instead of taking the victory
conditions listed in the scenario or by using two points of Influence, the
hobbit player may choose to replace one of the hobbit militia with a
character from the character pool in a future game.
Because warriors are not kept between scenarios, they are
not progressed in the same way as warriors in a battle company. They are
promoted in one of two ways either instead of taking the victory conditions
listed in the scenario, the hobbit player may choose to promote one hobbit
warrior to a local hero or if any hobbit warrior has caused three wounds (even
if they are saved) then roll on the table below.
For each ruffian (with hand weapon only), roll one
D6 on the Ruffians Table. Any ‘special’ ruffian
rolled is replacement for a ruffian mini on a one-to-one basis. With exception of
the hound which is an additional mini.
Because warriors are not kept between scenarios, they are
not progressed in the same way as warriors in a battle company. They are
promoted in one of two ways either instead of taking the victory conditions
listed in the scenario, the ruffian player may choose to promote one ruffian
warrior to a bully or if the ruffian warrior mini has caused three wounds (even
if they are saved) then roll on the table below.
Instead of taking the victory conditions listed in the
scenario or by using two points of Influence, the ruffian player may choose to
replace one of the ruffians with a character from the character pool in a
future game.
The ruffian character pool starts with one bully. Use the
Battle company rules for experience, injuries and influence (to buy
equipment from the armoury).
One named character may be added to the character pool but
may only be advanced to have a maximum of two wounds, two attacks, two points of Might
and two points of Fate. Influence points may still be used to equip a named
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