Thursday, May 2, 2024

Escape From Goblin Town (Take 2) - Battle 1

Here We Go Again

Replayed the first game again with my scenario changes, which in this game was an extra walkway. I dislike scenarios where there is only one real option, the gap between the second platform and the stone base can be jumped as normal. I opted to use the dwarves listed in the original scenario as they hadn’t fared too badly in the first run through. And all of the original scenarios felt the most balanced. 

To be fair Fili had a great game and was easily ‘dwarf of the match’. Whereas Kili struggled to cause any wounds even when he won a fight. What really helped the dwarves was the low numbers of goblin reinforcements later in the game particularly when the dwarves reached the second platform. And so the dwarves then escaped on turn 8. 

The dwarves decided to move up the main walkway using their superior combat skills to push forward. Once the goblins decided that the dwarves were committed to the main walkway, they gave up sending goblins the long way round to attack the rear. The goblins tried to stall the dwarves but Fili and Gloin were making short work of them and kept on pushing forward using heroic moves when they didn’t get priority. 

Gloin slew the goblin captain in one turn, his ability to reroll 1’s on a Wound roll coming in handy as it turned two wounds into three. 

Time to run for the exit

After the battle Gloin regained a point of Might and Oin regained a point of Will. Meaning Gloin can join a second game at full strength. 


1 comment:

Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...