Friday, May 31, 2024
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Army Progress - Slann Giant Scorpions
More Big Monsters
Monday, May 27, 2024
Eru-Kin Kickstarter Unboxing
Time for More Slann
I Know What I Should DO!
Army Progress - Wood Elves
Just Reached the Three Quarters Point
Monday, May 20, 2024
Campaign Finale - Escape from Goblin Town
The Dwarves Make their Escape
This was very much a game of two halves, with the
second half belonging to the dwarves. At the beginning of the game the
situation looked quite bleak for the dwarves with the goblins bearing down on
them and the early loss of Ori. Balin will need to find another scribe.
However, slowly as the game progressed the dwarves
began to gain the upper hand and then Thorin managed to take down the goblin
king with a little of Gandalf’s magic. In end with the death of the goblin
heroes, the dwarves escape looked certain. It was then just matter minimising
risk to the vulnerable heroes and get them across the table.
Throughout the game Oin, struggled to heal any of
the wounded dwarves, which was my plan to get a couple of the dwarves healed
before the bulk of the goblins arrived. So, in the end I had to commit fighters
like Fili and Dwalin to battle with only one wound.
Turn four marked the low point for the dwarves and with the exception of Dori, the dwarves only won through desperate measures (might) and even then, both Bofur and Fili were beaten down to one wound each. Thorin duelled with the goblin king after he had been immobilised by Gandalf but couldn’t land a wound. And to cap it all Oin still couldn’t heal any wounds, so Dwalin had to join the fray with only one wound.
And then on turn five the game turned again, and the dwarves took down scores of goblin and the king was dead. Gandalf being able to Immobilise the Goblin king meant the dwarves could pick who took him and deal with his bodyguards first.
After the Battle
Now, the dwarves have escaped the Misty Mountains
they have just the small matter of evading a few angry Wargs and goblin riders…
I now fancy painting up a few Mirkwood spiders to
continue the adventure.
Not Friday Night Beer
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Riddles in the Dark
Special Guest Appearance
The Wizard & the Burglar
The major change to the scenario rules was to move the
goblins back to the platform and reinforcement locations would be randomised in
the same way as in Scenario 3.
With no real choice Gandalf and Bilbo raced towards each
other. And Bilbo put on the ring at the first opportunity. The goblins had the
better of the priority rolls and Gandalf had to use his might to call heroic
moves to try and stay ahead of the pursuing goblins. When Grinnah got in range
he also called a heroic move to cancel Gandalf’s. Winning the first roll off,
Grinnah then managed to get one goblin into combat with another one supporting.
Gandalf’s terrifying aura keeping most of the goblins at bay.
As with the previous game, Gandalf doesn’t do well when
outnumbered and lost a wound and all of his fate over a couple of turns of
combat. Bilbo fared better when a pair of goblins finally cornered him and took
one down.
With his last point of might, Gandalf called one last heroic
move which Grinnah attempted to counter, but this time Gandalf won and reached
the hobbit.
After the Battle
Gandalf proved his wizard’s cunning and
recovered, a wound, two points of fate and a point of might.
Before the final battle, I rolled to see if any of the dwarves had escaped their seemly certain deaths both Fili and Dori had made back to the land of the living. Dori continued his good luck by recovering a 2nd wound, point of might and fate.
For winning the previous scenarios, the dwarves gained 4 points of might or fate which were shared out between Gloin, Dwalin and Balin.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Ori Finds His Mark
A Bit of Extra Fun
Scenario Rules
Playing the Game
Monday, May 6, 2024
Thorin Enters the Fray
That's A Lot of Goblins
After the battle both Dwalin and Balin recovered some fate
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Dori's Last Stand
The Dwarves Take A Beating
So, this version of the scenario offers a choice on which
extra dwarves to take, with a total of five now available. Nori, Ori and Bombur
were all taken because they hadn’t yet played a scenario. Ori is clearly the
worst character available, and this is one of the harder scenarios but to keep
within the campaign rules it was his turn. This leaves two more spots, after a
bit of deliberation on Oin (& his wound healing), I decided on
Gloin and Dori who are both superior fighters. Because even with the changes to
the scenarios there is still going to be plenty of goblins on the table.
The original version of this scenario just lacked any
balance with only three dwarves (one of which is Ori!), the goblins
being able to deploy right on top of the dwarves and an endless supply of
reinforcements who can be deployed in exactly the right spot meant the dwarves
had no real prospect of winning. The changes attempt to address these points in
order to get a better balance.
In this amended version, the goblin reinforcements arrive at
either the twelve, three, six or nine o’clock points on the table dependant on
a dice roll. The goblin player still rolls as normal to see if the
reinforcements arrive but has limited control of their arrival points.
Goblin Reinforcement Arrival Points
Roll D6
1: Dwarf player chooses arrival point
2: Twelve o’clock
3: Three o’clock
4: Six o’clock
5: Nine o’clock
6: Goblin player chooses arrival point
Dori was undoubtably the dwarf of the match, taking down nine goblins and blocking the escape route. Up to this point he has one of the most dependable dwarves in the company. Even with the improvements this was still a tough scenario for the dwarves who are now fleeing back to join the rest of the company with their hard won booty.
A Ruffian Horde
Over Twenty Minis! Painted up the last few ruffians needed for the next scenario, this is for the first of the ' big ' games with o...
So the Journey Begins... Cover by Gary Ward As is probably apparent from my blog I like to have multiple projects on the go and often have ...
A Fun Side-Track Once I had created the scenic display, I immediately had ideas about how to improve it. The mark one version was held toget...