Monday, June 26, 2023

Return to Orcs Drift

Captain of Elf Guard at Orc's Drift

In between painting up Magua from Last of the Mohicans, I also found time to finish of Brommedir. Captain of the Elf Guard at Orcs Drift

Obviously had to include the excellent picture of Brommedir from the Orcs Drift boxed set by Gary Chalk. The character of Brommedir had a special instruction during the final scenario which is pretend to be deaf and make the Dwarven commander repeat any commands. Just to wind him/her up!

Copyright Games Workshop

Brommedir alongside some contemporary high elves.

I popped these two figures in this post, because I was impressed by the smoothness of the zenithal highlights and they fit the Oldhammer theme.  It might be a fairly basic airbrush but the results are pretty good. 

And finally got round to working on Bilbo, from the Hobbits of the Shire set. Some figures seem to almost paint themselves. This is not one of those miniatures. I couldn't paint one bit without getting paint on another bit!



  1. Sweet job indeed. All the work is great, but the shield is awesome. I love it all!

  2. Stunning shield work.... Very Chalkian.

  3. Thanks guys, as a lot of the pre-slotta elves have these odd shields. So, have used the same ones for the slotta models.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...