Monday, June 5, 2023

Entwife of the Dreadwood

A Very Quick Finish

This Salute purchase only just got onto the paint queue today. As I was doing the next batch of airbrushing, and I decided to add her at the last minute which is why the base isn't even prepped. I usually do the airbrushing in batches to cut down on paint mixing and cleaning etc. This miniature is from Conquest miniatures and the mould is very crisp with very little flash (Unlike the Last of the Mohicans from Warlord games)

Anyway, she looked really great after even the zenithal highlight and I was tempted to stop after I put the contrast paint on the leaves. 

Ok, so I did add a couple of washes and a bit of highlighting but she was done in about 45 minutes. Just the base left to finish. After doing the leaf storm on the last dryad, I have a couple of ideas. 

The Entwife alongside a Grenadier barbarian shaman. As you can see she is about 80mm tall. So stands above the rank and file.  And she will join the ever growing army of the Fae Queen. 



  1. Oh, that's beautiful. The mini itself looks great, but I think you nailed the paintjob, I love how she looks. Burárum!

    1. Thanks, the zenithal highlighting certainly did most of the heavy lifting. Fun to paint this one.

  2. I'll have to give this zenithal lark a go, although I don't take well to new methods of painting.

    1. The airbrush really made a difference. Spray cans just aren't good enough.


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