Saturday, January 7, 2023

One Small Step for ...

 One Giant Leap for the Forces of Evil

After rushing to build Sauron, I decided to pause work on him until my new airbrush arrived.  As I wanted to  do a Zenithal highlight and I find the spray cans are not fine enough. Now I have seesawed on a decision to buy an airbrush because even a basic kit is about ~£100. And that buys a lot of classic figures!

Anyway with a bit of money from Christmas, I decided the time was right to buy an airbrush. Ended up with a starter set for £97. I had watched a couple of Youtube videos where they had bought a similar one. So once satisfied, the money was spent.

 And Sauron was the first time I have used it. I am still working out how to use it but I am quite impressed with the overall effect. I hope that I can move on stepwise from this first go. 

First go with an airbrush

One of the main reasons I have been struggling with Zenithal highlights, I am still expecting to end up putting on one coat of opaque paint. So there is not much point doing a zenithal highlight if the paint isn't thinned down enough to let the highlights show through. Now  this is very much still a work in-progress but it is interesting to see how the effect turned out. I think He needs a final very light highlight, but mostly finished. 

A few hours later

Never too  many skulls

You shall not pass



  1. Pretty imposing! Looking forward to your airbrushing works!

  2. First of all, congratulations for having taken the plunge and grabbed an airbrush: we too have been thinking about it for a long time, but we haven't found the courage (and the money) yet...
    The zenithal highlighting works: we tried it with drybrush, but with the airbrush we believe it will be much easier.
    Were you inspired by any sources for the green colour of Sauron's robes?

    1. Not a big LotR fan but if i'm right, he never appears in it, and only thing about the dark lord is his hand was a warm as fire and his skin being black as if burnt, Oh and that whole he is a shape-shifter at times but only has 4 fingers (which i guess means 1 thumb and 3 fingers) on one hand due to not being able to regrow the finger that was cut off. which makes sense.. Alot of shapeshifters aren't mass-shifters.. but i know alot of things do their own version which isn't the same a Tolkien's version..

    2. The green colour was a straight copy from Citadel example on their website. I think it looks really good and I couldn't think of better alternative.

  3. I really like this figure - a great pose! And with all the folds in the fabric a great first project for the airbrush!

  4. Ah! I just figured it out.. the helmet isn't as good but the design for Sauron is Charn! from the old TV kids learning show 'Through the Dragon's Eye'.. that was a great fantasy show.. and that design is soo taken from Charn.. just not quit as good (doesn't have the boney skull helmet).. ah.. now I can rest and people say about how scary Charn was.. (played by the late great David Collings)

    1. The show is a new one on me as it was a bit after my school days. But I can definitely see a link between Charn and Sauron. Interesting to see these ideas.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...