Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Army of One (10pts)

One Down

Painted up the first wood elf, for my new wood elf army.  It is easy to overwork the very pale skin and I need to to be more careful not to get dark colours over the finished skin. But finally started painting this army.  In the nineties, my first attempt at a wood elf army ended after five figures (three boars, an animal handler and one glade rider) so hopefully I can do better this time. 

There can be only one, ok hopefully not. 

The Ruins of Osgiliath

With all the excitement on Youtube, to build a mammoth Gondor/Osgiliath board by ZorbaZorb. I decided to dig out the ruins my son and I made about ten years ago. And give them a bit of a face lift. We were following the scenarios in the old Battle games in Middle Earth magazines. They look quite basic by today's standards. But I reckon I can bring them up to date for a lot less effort than making new ones.  If nothing else they could do with some more naturistic rubble. 

Mark one ruins. 

And maybe I could make a few Osgiliath veterans with the few unpainted figures I have knocking about. 

Start of the tidy up



  1. That Wood Elf looks great! I love the pale skin set against the blue face paint!

  2. That Elf is top notch! I love the palette and the whole work. Good luck refurbishing those ruins, I'll be keeping an eye!

  3. We join the enthusiasm of the previous comments: the elf is really beautiful, a great palette for skin, body paint and leather clothes. Finally different from the usual blonde elves in green clothes!
    Are your old ruins made of polystyrene?

  4. Very distinctive elf! Great work - looking forward to see how the army grows around it.

  5. Thanks for the comments. I now realise that I mixed up the two flesh tones and did the lighter one first. Which is why he looked greyed than expected!


Ruffians Beware

 Game 2 - Farmer Maggots Farm So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross...