Saturday, January 21, 2023

Enough for a Small Warband (52pts)

Equalled the Previous Best

So with five wood elves painted I have equalled the size of my previous attempt at a wood elf army (see last post). Overall I am happier with this first batch of four compared to the first one. As I am getting a feel for how to paint these figures and learning to keep to the lines and so not having to do too much tiding up on the skin. I am particularly pleased with the hair as I have managed to keep the black low lights with the white highlights which gives them a very albino quality.  These ex-Grenadier and ex-Celtos figures form the core of the army. As reward for for finishing five I think is time for a standard bearer. 

A mixture of ex-Grenadier and & ex-Celtos figures

Very pleased about how the hair turned out. 

I also think I will add some Beastman skulls from the Citadel skulls set. As think this fits the wild look of these figures. 

Working with the Airbrush

After doing a zenithal highlight with the light brown, I then decided to do two zenithal lowlights from below with two shades of green. A light green from one side aide and a darker green from the other side. They don't particularly show up in this light but the result looks good by eye. And will provide a good (and quick) starting point for painting the rest of the miniature. 

The excellent Oakbound Miniatures 6-Soul Sluagh will be
 pressed into service as the wood elves treeman



  1. Great progress on all fronts - sandwiched between the rising elves and the treeman we sense it's going to be a tough time for the trolls! And we are pleased that you are using your new airbrush with increasing skill.

  2. I believe these are truly fantastic. The skin, the overall aspect, I love them!

  3. They really look great! The colour choices and palette give a real feral/primitive look to them that works really well (and, yes, the hair looks great!)

  4. Thanks for the comments. Now I need to paint a lot more!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...